Chiropractic is a holistic form of healthcare that is about total health and wellbeing for the whole family.  By helping with the health and function of the spine and nervous system chiropractic is working with the body’s natural ability to heal and regulate itself and stay well. For every organ and system in your body to function well, they are dependant on messages being sent and received accurately to and from your brain via your spinal cord.  When there is dysfunction in the spine, the messages travelling along the spinal cord cannot pass freely and therefore the wrong message or even no message at all may be sent or received.  This compromises your body’s ability to work or function at its best & can impact peoples lives in ways that they wouldn’t expect, for example, you may not be functioning at your best because you have an unhappy gut or trouble with your energy, these are just a couple of ways your body can tell you that your nervous system isn’t functioning well.  Many people don’t realise that the symptoms they are experiencing are actually the results of spinal interferences blocking the communication pathways between the brain and the body. 


The word Chiropractic is from the Greek language, ‘Chiro’ or ‘Cheiros’ meaning hand & ‘Practic’ or ‘Prakikos’ meaning practice. Interpreted as ‘done by hand’.  Chiropractors therefore, adjust areas of the spine that are compromising the health and function of the nervous system.  Once adjusted, communication pathways between the brain and spinal cord are restored and information is able to flow freely to and from different parts of the body… your muscles, bones, organs, hormonal glands, skin, eyes & ears…

Spinal dysfunction can occur in anybody, at any age or stage of life.  This is because it can be caused gradually or suddenly by any kind of trauma - physical, nutritional (chemical) or emotional (mental).  There is NOBODY who is exempt from these traumas in our busy world! It’s therefore important for the whole family to get their spine checked to ensure a healthy functioning nervous system.  


Chiropractic care is safe & effective for all ages.  Because Chiropractic focuses on the relationship between the spine & the nervous system it is able to assist children as their nerve systems develop, helping them with things like reaching developmental milestones, coordination & balance, improving muscle tone & posture, concentration and helping babies to become more settled. 

What we understand with regards to brain development is that the first few years of life are paramount for optimal nerve system growth.  This makes us passionate in assessing the nerve function in all kids.  

We are trained to assess the spine for evidence of dysfunction to promote optimal brain – body communication.  We have done special training to modify and adapt our techniques to be suitable for new-borns, infants & children.  Children are adjusted very gently; light pressure is often all that is needed!

It is worth noting, that studies show adverse events are rarely associated with chiropractic care in children & infants.  When they do occur, they likely involve short periods of muscle soreness following treatment.  A 2010 study showed that of 5,438 children’s chiropractic visits, there were only 3 adverse events.  The chance of a child reacting negatively is only 0.00055%!


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Regardless of your lifestyle, whether you’re a professional athlete or someone who is suffering from the aches & pains of daily life, we’ve got the skills to identify the cause of your issues & provide the care you need to perform well again.  

We will assess your physical health, performing orthopaedic tests and checking functional movement patterns to determine how your muscles, joints and nervous system are working.

Treatments may include soft tissue mobilisation, active release technique, tapeing and corrective exercises to assist and maintain improvements in movement and performance.  


At Aspiring Family Chiropractic we use a variety of techniques dependant on complaints & preferences of the individual being adjusted. 

‘Low force’ or gentle techniques are often used for babies, children, elderly & others who are sensitive to adjustments.  What this means is that less depth or body movement is experienced during the spinal correction. 

Other techniques used are high velocity adjustments, meaning they are fast, but not forceful. It is with these techniques the ‘popping’ sound can often be heard which is commonly associated with the chiropractic name. 

The diverse package of techniques utilised may include Diversified technique, Muscle Testing, Cranial techniques, Bach Flower Remedies, Activator & Thompson techniques, Blocks, Retained Primitive Reflexes (RPR), Pregnancy, baby & infant appropriate techniques, Soft tissue techniques and Tapeing.