What is Muscle Testing?
Health is dependent upon a balance between STRUCTURE, BODY CHEMISTRY (nutrition/hormones) and MENTAL (emotional) well-being.
Muscle testing is a tool which uses the physiological response of a muscle to assess for imbalances in these areas and to identify how well your body is functioning.
Imbalances may be microbial, hormonal, muscular or structural, emotional or nutritional for example, and they lead to the symptoms or disease that we may experience.
It is often thought that symptoms are something to be rid of as quick as possible without consideration of the underlying cause. This can look like taking a Panadol to rid a headache, or having multiple cups of coffee in an effort to combat chronic fatigue. However, this is just eliminating the symptoms of pain & tiredness rather than addressing the underlying issue.
It is good to recognize that symptoms are actually messengers that warn us about imbalances that exist within our body. They are our body’s way of asking for help and support.
At Aspiring Family Chiropractic we use muscle testing to detect and correct these imbalances. In order to restore proper muscle function and body balance, treatments may include chiropractic adjustments, clinical nutrition and dietary advice and other manual therapy techniques to support and improve your health and body function.
The requirements and function of your body are individual to you! Muscle testing recognizes this and allows the body to specify its needs, along with its preferences for treatment.
If you would like a holistic approach to identify any health concerns, help restore your ability to thrive, want nutrition guidance and treatment specific to your individual needs or just want to live life to your fullest potential, contact Aspiring Family Chiropractic today.
The Triad of Health
It is worth highlighting the “Triad of Health”. This illustrates that optimal health is achieved through addressing a number of factors. The 3 most commonly recognized are emotional, physical & chemical. These 3 factors must be assessed & be working in balance to correct the underlying cause of any health problem.